
  • 借酒众筹 Fondeados


    导演:Marcos Bucay   编剧:Marcos Bucay

    主演:Isaac Cherem, Roberto Flores, 大卫·佐纳纳, Mario Escalante, Aldo Escalante, Ricardo Polanco, Natalia Téllez


  • 夏日之恋 Le Mans scorciatoia per l'inferno


    导演:奥斯瓦尔多·奇维拉尼   编剧:蒂托·卡尔皮, 奥斯瓦尔多·奇维拉尼

    主演:维托里奥·卡布里奥利, Ivano Staccioli, 朗杰·弗里斯, 厄娜·舒勒, Maurizio Bonuglia, 艾德薇姬·芬妮齐, Franco Borelli, Roberto Messina

  • 请求庇护 Chiedo asilo

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:马可·费雷里   编剧:热拉尔·布拉什, 马可·费雷里, 罗伯托·贝尼尼

    主演:Roberto Benigni


  • 双重怀孕 Doblemente Embarazada 2


    导演:Koko Stambuk   编剧:Diego Ayala

    主演:Estefania Saavedra, Roberto Godoy, 古斯塔夫·埃格尔哈夫, Matías Novoa, Michelle Renaud, Carmen Aub, Valery Sais

      Javier and Felipe are now full-time parents to their daughters. However, the fathers discover the girls are missing something: a mother. To find her, they invite their girlfriends on vacation with a secret plan.

  • 周末 Fin de Semana


    导演:Moroco Colman   编剧:Moroco Colman, Sofia Castells, Andrea Gigena

    主演:玛丽亚·乌斯多, Sofia Lanaro, Lisandro Rodríguez, 吉安·皮埃尔·诺厄尔, Eva Bianco, Roberto Videla, Jessica Kloner, Magdalena

      Carla arrives after years of absence to accompany Martina. Relations between them are cold; there's something unspoken between them. Martina slips away for secret meetings with Diego, a man twice her age. The two are involved in a hardcore sex game that's out of control. When Carla discovers the relationship she confronts Diego.

  • 萨扬: 干旱之路 Sayen: La Ruta Seca


    导演:亚历山大·维特   编剧:Leticia Akel, 胡里奥·罗哈斯, Paula del Fierro

    主演:Briones, Mario Bustos, 阿尔佛莱德·卡斯特罗, Felipe Contreras, Nicolás de Terán, Francisca Espinoza, 埃瓦罗·埃斯皮诺泽, Roberto


  • 罪恶天堂 sin destino


    导演:Leopoldo Laborde   编剧:

    主演:Rey Sanchez, David Valdez, Roberto Cobo

      本片灵感来自大导演布努埃尔的《被遗忘的人》。墨西哥导演Leopoldo Laborde这部让人难忘而引人入胜的影片展示了墨西哥城最黑暗的一面。15岁的弗兰克卖身给男人以求生存,却仍然无法负担自己的吸毒恶习。他的好友大卫借钱给他,并教导他如何在床上取悦女人。弗兰克迷上了金发姑娘安吉尼卡,但是他过去的一个老嫖客重新出现,令弗兰克陷入了性欲上的困扰……

  • 单身万岁 第一季 Cómo Sobrevivir Soltero


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:塞巴斯蒂安·苏里塔, Tato Alexander, 帕梅拉·阿尔曼扎, Roberto Flores, Lucía Gómez-Robledo, Octavio Hinojosa, Fabrizio

      Sebastian, an up-and-coming Mexican actor, seems to have it all until he is thrown back into the tortuous world of dating, only to realize he has zero dating "game". Forced into the arms of his crew of leftover best bros, he discovers he's not the only ill-fated millennial struggling to find love.

  • Geração bendita


    导演:Carlos Roberto Bini   编剧:Carl Kohler

    主演:Carlos Roberto Bini, Rita de Cássia

      Wicked fuzz guitar-laden stoner psych rock obscurity from early 1970s Brazil! Maybe the best Psych album ever released in Brazil! This was a hippy soundtrack with heavy guitar sounds, beautiful vocals and well-crafted songs which was made for an underground film starring the band itself, but the movie - Geracao Bendita (Blessed Generation) - was banned in Brazil. It was 1971, t...

  • 南方热 Fiebre Austral

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Thomas Woodroffe   编剧:Camila Aboitiz, Gabriel Goicoechea, Thomas Woodroffe

    主演:弗朗西斯卡·加维兰, Nicolas Sobarzo, José Soza, Roberto Villena

      Amanda, a complaisant and lonely woman in her mid-four-ties, lives with Daniel, her sixteen-year-old son, in the mountains of southern Chile. Octavio, a friend of Daniel, is accidentally injured while hunting in the forest. Amanda takes over the healing sessions, developing an intimate bond between them. They discover that the contact with the wound produces an addictive pleasu...